Sharing/opening your presentation URL

Once the upload has completed, you’ll be able to copy the secure URL and password to view your presentation in the browser, using the Pitchdeck web app.

URL and password details can be accessed in the plugin later. If you need to copy these URL and password details again later, you can do this by clicking the Export Presentation button in the Pitchdeck plugin toolbar, and ensuring the Pitchdeck Presentation (Web URL) option is selected. You will be able to copy/paste your URL and password details under the Active Pitchdeck Presentation section.

Using a passwordless URL (auto login)

If you don’t want to use a URL/password combo for your presentation, you can copy the Passwordless URL (Auto Login) link, which will automatically log you in upon visiting the page in your browser.

QR code version can be found on the upload confirmation screen. If you would like to easily open up the presentation link on your phone/tablet, you can scan the Passwordless URL (Auto Login) QR code on the upload confirmation screen, which will automatically log you in upon visiting the page in your browser.

Showing and hiding the bottom toolbar/menu

The Pitchdeck web app toolbar will automatically be shown for 10 seconds before fading away; you can access it again at any time by hovering over the bottom of the screen, which will reveal the toolbar, and then automatically fade away instantly by hovering the mouse outside it again.

You can navigate between your slides in the Pitchdeck web app by clicking on the Prev and Next buttons in the Pitchdeck web app toolbar at the bottom of the page, or by pressing the Left Arrow or Right Arrow keys on your keyboard. Pressing the Space key on your keyboard will also move to the next slide.

Jumping between slides in your presentation

If you need to jump directly to a certain slide in your uploaded presentation, you can use the slide selector in the Pitchdeck web app toolbar at the bottom of the page. Clicking on any of the slides in the select box options will instantly jump to viewing that specific slide.

Toggling slide numbers

You can show visible slide numbers in your presentation by clicking the Numbers button in the Pitchdeck web app toolbar at the bottom of the page.

Automatically enable page numbers via the share URL. To automatically enable numbers when sharing a link, you can add a ”numbers=1” query string parameter to the end of your Pitchdeck URL (eg. “slides/xxxxxx?numbers=1” or “slides/xxxxxx?token=xxxxxx&numbers=1”, if you’re using an auto-login URL).

Using the pointer overlay

You can enable a pointer overlay by clicking the Pointer button in the Pitchdeck web app toolbar at the bottom of the page. This will show a pointer overlay on your presentation. You can change the default pointer (the red laser) to something else by clicking on another pointer in the list of pointer options available above the Pitchdeck web app toolbar while the pointer is active.

When the pointer is active, you can move your mouse around the screen normally to act as the pointer, displaying the pointer cursor you’ve selected.

Clicking the Pointer button again, while the pointer is active, will hide the pointer and the cursor options from your presentation.

Downloading your speaker notes

You can download all of the speaker notes from your presentation to a .txt file by clicking on the Download Notes button in the Pitchdeck web app toolbar at the bottom of the page.

Notes also viewable in Speaker Mode in the Pitchdeck Web App. Besides using the Downdload Notes option, you can also view your speaker notes by using the Speaker Mode (or Remote) option.

Toggling fullscreen mode

If you would prefer to view your presentation in full screen mode (instead of the windowed browser), you can click on the Fullscreen button in the Pitchdeck web app toolbar at the bottom of the page. You can exit fullscreen mode at any time by pressing the esc button on your keyboard, or clicking on the Fullscreen icon button again.

Minimize or expand the navigation toolbar

If the toolbar at the bottom of the screen is getting in the way of interacting with something in your slides, you can quickly toggle its visibility on and off by clicking on the Minimize Toolbar and Expand icon buttons in the Pitchdeck web app the bottom of the page.

Recording your designs to a video file

You can record your presentation in the Pitchdeck web app by clicking on the Record button in the Pitchdeck web app toolbar at the bottom of the page. This will prompt you to allow the page to access screen sharing and audio. Once you’ve done this, you’ll be able to select the browser tab as the source that you would like to share and record.

To stop the video recording, you can click on the Stop button in your browser or click the Record icon button again.

Stopping the recording will automatically download your .webm video to your computer’s default download folder.

Video will be auto downloaded if the tab is closed. Just in case you accidentally close the tab while the screen is being recorded, the Pitchdeck web app will automatically stop the recording and download the video file, recorded up until the time that the tab was closed.

Opening and viewing your recorded video file

After the .webm file save been downloaded, you’ll be able to upload it to your own website, send it to someone via Slack (or another method) or edit/convert it to another video. The easiest way to open the downloaded video file is to drag the downloaded file into your web browser, and using that to play it back.

Activating the webcam overlay

You can use your webcam as a draggable/resizable overlay to sit over your presentation in the Pitchdeck web app by clicking the Webcam button in the Pitchdeck web app toolbar at the bottom of the page. This will prompt you to allow the page to access your webcam. Once you’ve done this, you’ll be able to see your webcam sitting over the presentation area.

To change the position of the webcam overlay, you can click and drag your mouse on the overlay and move it to a new position anywhere on the screen. To resize the overlay, click on the overlay, then click and drag your mouse on the square anchor points around the square.